Passenger Rights

  1. Bagaje

If your baggage is lost, damaged or delayed, you may be entitled to compensation.
However, airlines cannot be held liable if they took all reasonable measures to avoid the damage or if it was impossible to take such measures.
In case of damage to your baggage, you must file a complaint with the airline within seven days of receiving your baggage.
In the case of delayed receipt of baggage, this period is a maximum of 21 days.

2. Disabled people and people with reduced mobility

Under EU law, people with disabilities and/or reduced mobility are protected against discrimination when booking and boarding.
They are also entitled to assistance at airports (on departure, arrival and in transit) and on board aircraft.
In order to facilitate the provision of assistance, it is recommended that you give prior notice of your needs.

3. Denied boarding

If passengers are denied boarding, aircraft must first seek volunteers willing to give up their reservations in exchange for certain benefits.
In addition, the air carrier must also offer volunteers the choice between a full refund and re-routing.
You may be entitled to compensation depending on the distance of the flight and the delays incurred before the re-routing.
If volunteers choose re-routing, the airline must also provide assistance if needed, for example: food, access to a telephone, hotel accommodation for one or more nights, as appropriate, and transport from the airport to the accommodation.

4. Flight cancellation

You are also entitled to the same compensation as when you are denied boarding, unless you have been informed of the cancellation at least 14 days in advance or have been re-routed to times closer to your original flight time or an airline can prove that the cancellation was caused by extraordinary circumstances.
In addition, the airline must offer you a choice between

  • rambursarea costului biletului dumneavoastră în termen de şapte zile;
  • redirecţionarea, în condiţii de transport comparabile, spre destinaţia finală;
  • if necessary, service (telephone, refreshments, food, accommodation, transport to accommodation)

5. Long delays

Aveţi dreptul la deservire de către compania aeriană (apeluri telefonice, băuturi răcoritoare, masă, cazare, transport până la locul de cazare), în cazul în care întârzierea este de:

  • două ore sau mai mult pentru zboruri de cel mult 1 500 km;
  • trei ore sau mai mult pentru zborurile intracomunitare mai lungi sau pentru alte zboruri cuprinse între 1 500 şi 3 500 km;
  • patru ore sau mai mult pentru zborurile extracomunitare de peste 3 500 km.

If the delay is more than five hours and you decide not to continue your journey, you are also entitled to a refund of your ticket and a return flight to your original point of departure.
If you arrive at your final destination three hours or more late, you may be entitled to the same compensation as when your flight is cancelled, unless the airline can prove that the delay was caused by extraordinary circumstances.
In addition, airlines can be held liable for damages resulting from delays.

6. Airline identity

You must be informed in advance of the identity of the airline providing the service.
Airlines considered unsafe are subject to bans or restrictions within the European Union.
A list of them can be found at:

7. Holiday packages

Organisers and retailers of package holidays are obliged to provide accurate, complete information about the holiday packages booked.
They are obliged to respect contractual terms and protect passengers in case of insolvency.
Tour operators must provide accurate information about the holiday booked, respect contractual obligations and protect passengers in the event of the organiser’s insolvency.

8. Price transparency

Potrivit legislației europene, atunci când cumpărați bilete pentru zboruri cu plecare de pe aeroporturi din UE, trebuie să vi se explice clar condițiile aplicabile. Preţul final care urmează să fie plătit trebuie indicat în orice moment şi trebuie să cuprindă tariful aplicabil, precum şi toate tarifele, impunerile, tarifele suplimentare şi alte comisioane aplicabile, care nu pot fi evitate şi sunt previzibile în momentul publicării. Ar trebui, de asemenea, să vi se specifice defalcat tariful, taxele şi, în cele din urmă, alte tarife, impuneri, tarife suplimentare şi comisioane. Suplimetele de preţ opţionale trebuie să fie comunicate în mod clar, transparent şi lipsit de ambiguitate la începutul oricărui proces de rezervare, iar acceptarea trebuie să se facă la alegerea dumneavoastră.

9. What should you do if you think your passenger rights have been violated?

În cazul în care consideraţi că au fost încălcate drepturile dumneavoastră prevăzute de legislaţia în materie de drepturi ale pasagerilor aerieni:

  • Ar trebui, mai întâi, să contactaţi compania aeriană sau – pentru probleme legate de persoanele cu mobilitate redusă – aeroportul.
  • Dacă nu sunteţi mulţumit de răspunsul acestora, puteţi depune o reclamaţie la unul dintre Organismele naţionale de punere în aplicare (ONPA).

NOTĂ: În principiu, reclamaţiile ar trebui depuse în ţara în care a avut loc incidentul.

Pentru mai multe detalii, accesaţi site-ul Comisiei Europene